Are You Looking for Psychiatric Care for Someone You Are Responsible For?

The late night social media post was scary. When one of your friends posted a near suicidal comment late on Thanksgiving weekend, you were concerned for his safety. His talk of the mistakes that he had made, the damage that he had done to the relationship with his partner, and his fear that he was writing his last post received immediate responses from many. The fact that after making that post your friend went offline for several hours had you wondering what kind of news would greet you the next day.
When your friend finally posted again, it was an apology: “I am so sorry for the post last night. I know it was totally ridiculous. I have clinical depression and then had a few drinks mixed in with my medications which doesn’t help. I’m sorry for worrying you guys. I love you so much for the personal messages of support and I will keep going. I really do feel like I owe you all an apology for the stress I caused you. I hope you can forgive me and that we can still be friends.”
When the apology was posted, you felt great relief, but it did not erase all of your concerns for your friend.
Do You Have a Loved One in Need of Treatment from Neuropsychiatric Doctors?
The news today can be frightening, and if you are the parent of a child who is in need of psychiatric care the news can be alarming. When the news channels start covering the latest campus tragedy, for instance, two questions are often asked. Did people know that the perpetrator was a threat? And, was the perpetrator getting any help? Painful questions to answer for the parents of someone who needs to see a neuropsychiatric doctor.
If you are the parent or spouse of someone who suffers from neuropsychiatric conditions, you have likely spent many nights praying that your loved one will not harm him or herself, or worse yet, harm someone else. From the 11% of adolescents who are diagnosed with a depressive disorder by the age of 18 to the 350 million people around the world who are diagnosed with depression, the fear that something could go wrong is real.
Finding the right care, however, is not always easy. In fact, it should come as no surprise that neuropsychiatric conditions require a complicated combination of care from medical doctors, psychiatrists, neurologists, and psychologists. Finding a location, however, that offer all of those services in the same setting or location is not always easy. Consider these statistics about the need for care from neuropsychiatric doctors:
- 16 million U.S. adults had at least one major depressive episode in the year 2012. This number accounts for approximately 6.9% of all adults in the country.
- 30% of college students reported feeling depressed to the point where they felt it disrupted their ability to function in school.
- 80% of people who have symptoms of clinical depression indicate that they are not receiving any specific treatment for their depression.
- 14% of women who responded to a 2013 postpartum depression study indicated that they suffered from this disorder for as long as four to six weeks after giving birth.
- 7.7 million people suffer from PTSD.
- 5.3 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer’s disease in 2015.
From teenagers to new mothers to military veterans to the elderly, mental issues can be a problem. And while some of these individuals successfully find treatment, a large number could benefit from the care of a neuropsychiatric doctor working in conjunction with a team of medical professionals.
In addition to finding the right professionals, however, for many patients the real secret is to find the right setting for this care. An entire system of acute, inpatient hospitals that use an innovative approach to neuropsychiatric care for the geriatric and adult population, for example, may be able to more successfully meet the need of patients who suffer from a variety of mental issues.
If you have a wife, a husband, a son, a daughter, or a parent who is need of psychiatric care, many experts recommend that you find a healthcare setting that can combine a team of professionals all working together. Are you ready to begin this important search.