Why Home Care Assistance Is Important

The medical industry is essential to the vitality of many Americans lives and yet it is a profession that many Americans loathe having to interact with. People do not like going to the hospital or the doctor’s office and view it as an awful experience because they worry about their health. But it is important for these people to know about alternatives to visiting the doctor’s office, such as home care assistance.
While home care assistance is more popular in Europe than in America, it is slowly becoming more and more common in the United States as the years go on. This is because Baby Boomers continue to grow older and thus need medical assistance. For some, their situations are quite serious.
Certified caregivers, in home caregivers, and senior care options are all things that someone can look into if they want some form of home care assistance. Age Wave has released information revealing the fact that many people underestimate the likelihood that they will need long-term care and service. Just about 37% of all people over the age of 50 think that they need long-term care in the future, but the reality is that the 70% of these people will actually need home care assistance.
The sixth leading cause of death in the United States is Alzheimer’s and this is a disease that home care assistance workers often deal with. It is a debilitating disease that limits the functionality of many cognitive skills and often leads older people into a path of danger as they forget things and are limited in mobility. A study was conducted that revealed people who receive home care assistance are 25% less likely to visit than those that do not. Specifically, clients with Alzheimers or dementia diseases made almost 50% fewer trips to the doctor.
A Senior Care survey was conducted amongst home care assistance professionals in regards to the types of categories their patients fall into. This survey revealed that 61% of all patients had mobility issues, 48% had frail bodies, 43% of all patients deal with dementia, 29% had Alzheimers disease, and 22% of all patients were dealing with the after-effects that come with having a stroke.
Over 80% of all elderly people will receive home care assistance and often live in private homes in the community. Over 90% of all people surveyed have not yet discussed their critical issues with family members. By the year of 2050, the number of individuals that use paid long-term care services will most likely double from 13 million to nearly 27 million. In the United States, over 54 million home care assistance professionals work for someone who is ill. Just about 43 million work specifically with someone over the age of 40 and 14 million work with someone that has Alzheimer’s disease.
In Conclusion
For many people, the medical industry is viewed as something that they only rely upon in times of danger or critical need. However, there are a large group of people that rely on the medical industry to stay alive. These people need help with their daily lives and thus professionals travel to their homes to help take care of them. There is no need for these people to suffer great lengths to visit a doctor’s office if they can receive home care assistance.