The Benefits Of A Comprehensive Neuropsychological Evaluation

For many people throughout the United States that suffer from conditions such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and autism, these conditions often lie just beneath the surface, waiting to be diagnosed. A thorough neuropsychological evaluation can be beneficial in taking the first steps towards treatment. After all, without a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation to diagnose a condition in the first place, you can’t accurately and effectively treat it. If you are considered that your child may be effected by a condition such as autism, dyslexia, or ADHD, seeking out a neuropsychological evaluation can get you the answers that you need.
ADHD testing is particularly common, as ADHD, also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (though not all children diagnosed with ADHD will have the symptom of pronounced hyperactivity, or any visible hyperactivity at all) is one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric conditions in young children, with more than six million children diagnosed with ADHD in the United States alone. Though it is a condition that is often associated with childhood, it is important to remember that those children who have been diagnosed with ADHD will likely need to manage their symptoms for the entire duration of their lives. Unfortunately, nearly half of all parents of children diagnosed with ADHD or other learning disorders are misinformed and too often believe that these are conditions that are grown out of, something that will go away with age.
In fact, the opposite is true, though the average age for the diagnosis of ADHD is young, just that of seven years old.. Adults who were diagnosed with ADHD, either as a child or later on into their lives, are doubly as likely to be diagnosed with some type of anxiety disorder to go along with their ADHD, when compared to rates of anxiety disorders found in the general population. These adults living with ADHD are also three times more likely to experience symptoms of depression, stress, and various other emotional problems. Such issues such as these can have a pronounced impact on the adult with ADHD’s life, often causing them to miss work and imposing other limitations on their overall satisfaction with their lives.
Autism is another common neurological condition, one that will require neuropsychological evaluation with a practiced neuropsychologist to accurately diagnose. Autism is found on a vast spectrum, and some people with high functioning autism might never even know they have it. Though in more pronounced cases, clear symptoms of autism often show up by the time a child reaches the young age of two, if not even earlier, there are many adults who received their diagnosis of high functioning autism well past their childhood. However, autism is most commonly diagnosed in children, with boys diagnosed frequently more often than girls are.
Dyslexia is another common condition that often requires neuropsychological evaluation for a completely accurate and thorough diagnosis. Many people have misconceptions about dyslexia as well, which an experienced doctor can help to clear up. For instance, contrary to a somewhat popular belief, dyslexia is in no way related to IQ or overall intelligence. In fact, Albert Einstein, widely regarded as a genius, was diagnosed with dyslexia during his school years and dealt with the condition for the rest of his life, working through it to achieve greatness and many important innovations. His IQ was considered to be at least that of one hundred and sixty. Like autism and ADHD, dyslexia is often not diagnosed among many people who do suffer from it. In fact, it is estimated that of the forty million adults with dyslexia in the United States today, only around two million are diagnosed with it and aware of it as a part of their lives.
Neuropsychological evaluation can be helpful for a number of different conditions, such as autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. After all, once a patient has been accurately diagnosed, they are then able to seek treatment. Without a diagnosis, the patient may never even know the ways in which their life could be made easier and more manageable, the coping skills that they could learn.