3 Essential Courses Every Expecting Parent Should Take

In 2015 alone, there were almost four million babies born in the United States. With that many births each year, there is now a plethora of pregnancy classes held at birthing centers and maternity clinics for expecting parents to take. These classes can help parents prepare for the arrival of their new baby and teach them valuable skills and information that can help make parenting a little easier. So, which classes should expecting parents take? This article is going to discuss a few pregnancy classes that expecting parents may benefit from.

Infant CPR Training Courses: Unfortunately, many children suffer unintentional choking or suffocation during their early years. This is, sadly, one of the main causes of deaths in infants. Because of this, it’s absolutely crucial that all parents and caregivers, like babysitters or family members, should know how to perform infant CPR if necessary. During these classes, you will learn how to recognize if an infant requires rescue breathing or not, how to actually perform CPR, and how to help an infant that is choking on something. These are all important skills every parent should know how to do, and knowing how to save your child’s life is worth taking one of these training courses.

Breastfeeding Courses: Breastfeeding courses are one of the pregnancy classes that are recommended to help new moms prepare for any problems that may arise. While these classes are not required, they can certainly be helpful. These classes can help expecting mothers know some of the holds and know what to expect during the initial adjustment period. This can be beneficial because even if you’re as prepared as possible, you may experience some problems when it comes time to breastfeed. These classes can help prepare you for these issues and can help you be better equipped to handle issues once you leave the hospital.

Childbirth Education Classes: With the amount of misinformation that gets sent to expecting parents through the internet, it’s always a good idea to take a basic childbirth education course. Going into childbirth without even the basic knowledge can lead expecting parents to feel overwhelmed and scared. But by having the opportunity to learn more about the process, ask questions, and express concerns, parents will feel more in control and prepared when the big day comes. These courses can provide basic information about childbirth, address possible complications, and let parents know their options when it comes to childbirth.

Hopefully, this article influenced you to sign up for some pregnancy classes at your maternity center. When it comes to parenting and childbirth, it’s beneficial to know as much as possible so you can feel prepared and ready to bring your new baby into the world.