Why is My Injury Not Healing? 7 Mistakes you Could be Making

Injuries often arise due to work-related accidents, mishaps during sporting activities, or unfortunate events at home. They often lead to burns, bleeding, cuts, and in extreme cases, fractures. Since the human body is naturally self-remediating, most injuries often heal by themselves with little to no medical input. In some cases, injuries could fail to heal or even worsen. Such instances are often brought on by mistakes that people with injuries erroneously make while treating them. You may even need to enlist professional medical help or legal assistance from personal injury lawyers. If you have an injury that has failed to heal despite medical treatment, below are some mistakes you could be making.
Putting Butter on a Burn
You’ve probably heard that putting butter on a burn is a good idea. However, this is terrible counsel. Any oily material applied to a burn traps heat. This makes it difficult for a burn to heal. Instead, apply cool water to the burn to alleviate the discomfort. Then, carefully dry the area and cover it loosely. Seek medical attention if it begins to blister, changes color, or appears infected.
Putting Heat on a Sprain or a Fracture
If you’ve been involved in a recent car accident and suffered a sprain or fracture, you might wonder, ‘Why is my injury not healing?’ Your injury might not be healing because you’re wrongly putting heat on a sprain or fracture. Heat helps relieve aches and pains. However, heat should not be applied to a sprain or fracture. Heat will make the swelling worse. Alternatively, for around 20 minutes, use ice or an ice pack. Place ice cubes in a plastic bag with a top seal to produce an ice pack. To protect your skin, wrap the bag in a clean cloth or a small towel. Never apply ice or an ice pack to your skin. For the first 24 hours, you might also apply the RICE therapy of rest, ice, compression, and elevation. You could also seek medical attention at medical centers in your area. Medical centers boast medical professionals that are skilled and well-trained in the handling of injuries. Doctors such as anesthesiologists who are specialists in handling pain jobs can also help relieve pain from your injury.
Using a Tourniquet to Stop Bleeding
It is not rare for construction or industrial workers to have a personal injury, such as a severe wound in the leg or arm. If you have a deep wound and wonder, ‘why is my injury not healing?’ you could be applying a tourniquet wrongly. You might think of tying a tourniquet around the thigh or upper arm to stop the bleeding from a deep wound in an arm or leg. Unfortunately, this might cut off blood supply to the entire leg, which has significant negative consequences. Instead, apply straight downward pressure to severe wounds (if available, use a thick sterile gauze under your hands). When the bleeding has stopped, carefully bandage the wound. If bleeding persists or if stitches are required, get medical attention. If your life is in danger due to the bleeding, apply a tourniquet (at least three inches wide) right above the cut (toward the heart) and tighten it. It’s also essential that you speak with an injury lawyer or a slip and fall accidents attorney while attending to your injury. Personal injury lawyers can help you build a compelling case for compensation from your employer’s insurer.
Covering Your Injury Too Soon
Do you want to know why my injury isn’t healing? You may have covered your injuries too soon. Some open wounds may be closed immediately if all germs have been eliminated and only healthy tissues remain. That said, prematurely closing an open wound traps microorganisms beneath the skin, likely contributing to an abscess or infection. If you have a big injury and are concerned about the skin borders drifting apart, try having a medical practitioner use a few loose sutures to pull them closer together. While this may result in medical billing, consult with an injury lawyer to assist you in obtaining personal injury compensation if you were injured at work. It could help you to pay for your medical expenditures.
Applying an Adhesive Bandage on a Cut
Are you guilty of leaving an adhesive bandage on a cut? This might be the reason why your injury has failed to heal. Placing antibacterial ointment on a cut and leaving a bandage for a few days doesn’t speed up healing. On the contrary, it promotes unwanted moisture on the cut. To facilitate injury healing, clean the injury and apply ointment. Allow it to heal under fresh air conditions. If you require a bandage, try changing it at least twice daily. When changing the bandage, keep the entire region clean and dry by using mild soap and water.
Applying Coffee Grounds to Stop Bleeding
Using coffee grinds to halt bleeding might infect the wound. It also makes it difficult for medical personnel to clean up your wound if sutures are required. Bleeding that cannot be stopped at home will require medical attention. Apply straight downward pressure on the wound to halt the bleeding (use sterile gauze if available). When the bleeding has stopped, carefully bandage the wound. Seek medical attention if the injury continues to bleed or appears to require stitches.
Applying Tourniquet to a Snakebite
Snakebites are a work hazard for people who work for land clearing firms or in forest reserves. When a snake bite occurs, it may appear sensible to cut off blood flow to prevent toxins from spreading. However, this may cause far greater harm. In other circumstances, the toxin is then concentrated in a single location where it might be harmful. In other circumstances, the tourniquet is removed, causing a quick release of snake venom into blood circulation. The essential thing to do after being bitten is to remain calm. Maintain perfect stillness of the bitten body area. This reduces the amount of poison in the body. Remove jewelry and tight clothes from places surrounding the bite since swelling can become severe. The most effective therapy for the most dangerous snakebites is antivenom (antivenin). However, this is a mild case that requires expert treatment. Get emergency medical help as soon as possible.
Conditions That Prevent Injury Healing
If an injury does not heal within the expected time frame, the cause is frequently discovered in unrecognized or untreated underlying diseases. In general, there are a few reasons wounds may not heal, and more than one of these factors can exist simultaneously.
Poor Circulation
During the healing process, your body’s red blood cells transport new cells to the location to begin tissue reconstruction. Poor blood circulation can hinder this process, causing the wound to heal more slowly. Diabetes and obesity are chronic illnesses that can lead to impaired blood circulation. Circulation can be improved by exercising or elevating the wound.
Are you puzzled and seeking an answer to the question, ‘why is my injury not healing?’ An infection could be the reason. Infection is defined as the growth of bacteria, viruses, or fungi in or around an injured site, which inhibits the natural healing process. Normally, when these invaders penetrate an injured site, they are immediately overwhelmed and eliminated by the body’s millions of new white blood cells. However, infections can be difficult to treat when an injury is damaged. This is especially true if the infection begins on or near a bone (osteomyelitis). Since the infection has nowhere else to go, it ‘tunnels’ up to the skin’s surface and produces a lesion or sore. The key to resolving an injury infection is identifying the kind of microorganism responsible for the injury and through skilled IV antibiotic therapy. Infections, such as abscesses and cysts, can also be surgically removed. The body can restart its natural healing process once the infection has been treated and removed.
Poor Nutrition
To produce new tissue, the body requires up to three times the typical daily protein intake. The body cannot produce new tissues without an appropriate amount of protein, just as you cannot build a house without the necessary building blocks, bricks, or foundation. Inadequate nutrition is by far the most ignored cause of wound healing failure. Treating wounds on the outside using grafts, flaps, specific compression wraps, and debriding chemicals can only cure wounds to the extent that appropriate nourishment is present within the body. As a result of malnutrition and low protein consumption, the wound-healing process is effectively stalled until these deficiencies are addressed. If you’re wondering, ‘why is my injury not healing?’ poor nutrition might be the reason.
Diabetes-related high blood glucose levels can induce nerve damage (neuropathy) and poor blood circulation, making it difficult for blood – required for skin regeneration – to reach parts of the body afflicted by sores or wounds. This can leave them exposed and unhealed for months, raising the risk of infection. Maintaining adequate blood glucose levels can help to lessen the risk of slow-healing wounds now and in the future. Slow-healing wounds indicate undetected diabetes, especially if other symptoms are present. Register with a local hospital for holistic care that helps you control blood sugar levels and get medical cards. Doctors can better monitor your condition and keep case files that help them provide better treatment. The services of a wellness clinic can also be employed to overcome chronic conditions such as diabetes.
Repetitive Trauma
Repetitive trauma occurs when an injury is subjected to repeated pressure due to bumping or rubbing against a surface. This can either slow or stop the healing process. This issue is exacerbated in paraplegic individuals since they cannot feel if one or both feet are constantly banging on their wheelchair, for example. Similarly, pressure ulcers can form in spinal cord injury patients due to a lack of body mobility, such as sleeping in the same position without changing or even viewing a two-hour movie without moving. Offloading and repositioning are critical in these circumstances for alleviating repetitive trauma to an injury. Normal blood circulation and injury healing can then continue.
Have you wondered, ‘why is my injury not healing?’ Slow wound healing might be due to edema. Sometimes, fluid can accumulate in the skin, fatty tissues, and dermis in the lower extremities. Venous insufficiency is often the reason for this buildup and can contribute to sores. These sores can form a barrier to healing by blocking nutrient flow to the injured area. Various forms of compression therapy can force fluids back into the circulatory system. Manual lymphatic drainage and medication can also be used to resolve the issue. Once edema is cured, proper injury healing can resume.
Common Treatments That Aggravate Wounds
When you expose your wound to external chemicals, you risk tissue injury and skin dryness, which can impede wound healing. As a result, avoiding some products is preferable if you want to reduce healing time and scarring. Below are treatments that could potentially slow injury healing if applied wrongly.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a transparent, viscous liquid traditionally used as an antiseptic for cleaning wounds and scrapes. While hydrogen peroxide may assist in cleaning wounds by removing bacteria, it can also irritate and destroy skin cells. This chemical may aid in healing only at extremely low concentrations and without continuous application. That said, it’s better to avoid using hydrogen peroxide on your skin entirely, as it might extend the healing time and promote scarring.
Rubbing Alcohol
Isopropyl alcohol, often known as rubbing alcohol, is a transparent, flammable liquid. It is a powerful chemical composition that can irritate your skin, inhibiting wounds from healing correctly. Isopropyl alcohol can also dry up your skin, providing an unfavorable environment for wound healing. This chemical also emits a poisonous fume that can irritate the eyes and upset the throat.
Airing Out Method
Skin hydration is necessary for skin durability, strength, and flexibility. Damage to the top layer of the skin, known as the stratum corneum, can disrupt the skin’s normal hydration system and hinder wound healing. Keeping a wound clean and wet is ideal for promoting new tissue formation and cellular development. Allow only a small amount of oxygen to enter the wound site.
Traditional techniques for wound care have a strong effect on our perceptions of it. Since injury care is one of the oldest known practices in the world, there will inevitably be outdated treatment procedures. Nevertheless, the best techniques, such as cleaning injuries using clean water, are always the simplest.