Look Your Best With a Body Contouring Procedure

You know that it should not be this way, but every time that you approach the holidays you worry. And while many other hosts and guests are worrying about the the food that they will be serving or the appreciation gifts that they will be bringing, you find yourself worrying about something completely different.
Your appearance.
Every year that goes by bring more wrinkles, less tone, and, unfortunately, more weight. And while you know that you should be able to move past these superficial concerns, when it comes to a large family gathering you cannot dismiss the fact that you want to find a way to look your very best.
This year, however, you have vowed that instead of simply worrying, you are also going to take action. In fact, you have an appointment set up to talk to a doctor about the facelift options that you are considering. This will be the first time that you are acting on your concern for your looks, this is certainly not the first time that you have thought about getting a facelift. You are both excited and anxious about the appointment, but one thing that you are not is hesitant. You know that this is the right decision.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the cosmetic surgery industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- Liposuction is a popular technique that more and more Americans are making use of. In most cases, though, to be a good candidate for liposuction, a patient should be within 30% of the ideal body weight.
- One chance is all that you get to make the very best first impression. Are you looking your best for the impressions that you need to make?
- One of the top three trends people were requesting in 2015, was natural-looking rhinoplasty results by as many as 74%.
- Keeping with those trends of most requested procedures, 72% were looking at combined surgical and non-surgical procedures, while another 71% were considering eyelid procedures.
- In most situations, breast reduction surgery typically takes between two and three hours.
- No one wants to age, but not everyone is willing to invest in a procedure like a facelift to reverse the aging process.
- Going to a family gathering or a college reunion is much more fun if you know that you are looking your best.
- Year end research from 2015 indicates that the top five surgical procedures for women that year were liposuction, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, breast lift, and eyelid surgery.
- One other increasingly popular cosmetic procedure is cheekbone work. In fact, as many as 56% of surgeons saw an increase in the number of patients asking to get their cheekbones back.
- Until you look your best, you are likely not going to have the confidence that you need to get that next job or spend another holiday with your family.
- Research indicates that for the first time on record, Americans spent more than $13.5 billion dollars on combined nonsurgical and surgical aesthetic procedures in a single calendar year, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).
- Botox treatments are another popular cosmetic treatment in America and across the globe.
- Estimates indicate that there were 15.9 million surgical and minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures performed in the U.S. in the year 2015, according to the annual plastic surgery procedural statistics. This number represent a 2% increase from the year 2014.
- Statistics from 2015 also show that nonsurgical skin tightening jumped from ninth to seventh most popular procedure in the nonsurgical category. These nonsurgical skin tightening procedures also secured the fifth spot for most popular procedures among men, replacing microdermabrasion in the top five for males.
- The price of breast reduction varies based on a number of factors, but most clients expect a price tag of at least $6,000. Fortunately, this procedure may be covered by health insurance some of the times.
If you want to make sure that you are LOOKING YOUR BEST this holiday season, it is important that you take the time to visit any plastic surgeon who can help you achieve your goals. From facelifts to hair rejuvenation, there are many things that you can do to make sure that you are looking forward to meeting with your friends and family.