Choose High Quality Coude Catheters and Supplies

There are many different types of urine catheters. You can find catheters for women and catheters for mean. Each type is specific and designed for various uses and specifically for both the male anatomy and the female anatomy separately. Self catheters are inserted by yourself. Inserting a catheter has to be done carefully as it can cause scarring if done incorrectly. Most catheters are straight, but the coude catheters have a slight curve to them. Coude catheters make for easier guidance around the male prostate and other urinary objects in a female when it has a end that is olive shaped.
Coude is the French word for the English word bent. In other words, the tip is slightly bent on coude catheters. One of the best advantages of coude catheters is that they can protect you from scarring. These catheters come in different sizes from the 6 French to the size 26 French. The word French is used to signify the diameter of coude catheters. It is important for a medical doctor to prescribe the right size for each person.
Coude catheters are similar to intermittent catheters and are mostly considered a male catheter. The catheter foley or foley catheter can be used to treat incontinence by taking care of leakage problems, but these kinds of catheters are normally used in hospitals. When choosing coude catheters and supplies it is important to choose top quality products. Intermittent catheters are used by a lot of people who need help to empty the bladder. Patients themselves can use self catheters without needing anyone’s help for insertion Once the bladder is drained intermittent catheters are disposed of.
There are various vendors that you can buy coude catheters and other catheter supplies from online. People who need to use catheters a lot can save money by ordering coude catheters online. There are also local retail outlets that will have coude catheters for sale to. You can find out more about coude catheters by searching for more information about them online. Your medical doctor can also give you more information and advice about using catheters and can diagnose your medical problems for you and the need to use catheters to help manage incontinence.