Cancer Treatments Offer New Hope to Many Patients

Precision targeted therapy is one of the latest cancer treatments that is growing in its usage. By targeting the effected tumor instead of attacking an entire area, there are many times when today’s patients are defeating problems that in the past simply would not have been possible. Finding the right kind of cancer treatment option is the work of doctors and researchers across the country.
Whether you are dealing with breast cancer, throat cancer, lung cancer, or other kind of diagnosis, you are going to be very interested in all of the kinds of treatments that are available. And while traditional chemotherapy may attack what appears to be the entire body, the latest precision targeted therapies offer a far more direct kind of treatment.
The bottom line is you need to have confidence in the medical professionals who you are working with. This means that there will be times when you may want to get a second opinion. And while not every hospital may offer the kind of specific cancer treatment that you are wanting, it is acceptable, and sometimes necessary, to seek out the places that will offer the latest proton cancer treatment when those are needed.
One of the biggest reasons that patients and their families need to believe in the doctors and the treatments that are being administered is that research continues to show that The Placebo Effect can be a determining factor in the outcomes of many situations, even cancer. Cancer treatment therapy options continue to expand, but for any of these to work their best it is important that a patient believe in the strategy that is being used.
It is not that we want doctors to be using placebos, we want doctors to learn to unleash the power of the brain. And while many physicians shake their collective heads at homeopathic doctors, Vance is one of the people who believe that traditional doctors should be trying to learn from what these less traditional doctors offer their patients.
Humans are story tellers and Vance points out that our brains are trying to make sense of the world around us.
The Placebo Effect is the pharmaceutical companies worst enemy, right until a drug gets FDA approval. At that point, of course, the Placebo Effect really becomes a major benefit. Watch any television commercial, for instance, to know how important these drug companies think it is that consumers believe the promoted drug will be an answer to the biggest of life’s problems.
Cancer Treatment Therapy Options Continue to Offer New Possibilities
Whether you are looking at cancer proton therapy for head and neck cancer to or you are looking at a treatment for breast cancer, it is important to have an open discussion with a doctor who you trust enough to ask the difficult questions. Cancer treatment therapy options can be confusing, but if you are not able to get the help that you need in understanding this confusion, you may not be approaching your treatment in the best way. Consider some of these facts and figures about the many ways when the kind of cancer treatment therapy options will determine not only the immediate needs, but also future results as well:
- Proton therapy is a type of radiation that stops at a very specific point in the targeted tissue. In companions, conventional radiation continues beyond the tumor. In breast cancer, for example, this means on average no radiation to the heart and on average 50% less radiation to the lung when compared with conventional radiation.
- As another example, proton therapy decreases the radiation dose to gastrointestinal structures by at least 59% when compared to x-rays.
- A proton treatment session generally takes 15 to 45 minutes; the actual time spent delivering the protons to the tumor, however, is generally only about a minute or two.
- At the beginning of the year 2015, more than 30 particle therapy centers, with a total of about 80 treatment rooms, were under construction world wide. This means that not all hospitals are able to offer these options.
- Due to proton therapy’s targeted approach, studies have found that prostate cancer patients treated using this method have a significantly reduced risk of impotence. In fact, 94% of men report that they remain sexually active after treatment.