Hair Loss in Women A Variety of Causes and Potential Treatment Options


Many women experience hair loss in the United States, and it is estimated that 21 million are currently suffering with this condition. There are an average of 110,000 hair follicles on the scalp. When women suffer with hair loss, an average of 100 hairs are lost every day.

Data on Hair Loss in Women

Some women may begin to notice their hair is thinning when they’re between the ages of 25 and 35. This is the average age during which this usually occurs. By the time they are 40, however, this hair loss will be visible with 40% of women. Hair loss will be noticeable in 80% of women once they turn 60.

Some Causes of Hair Loss

There are a variety of reasons why women experience hair loss. Genetics, depression, health issues, and overdoing certain types of supplements or medications may contribute to this.

It’s been found, for example, that 90% of hair loss is genetic. Other issues, however, may exacerbate this situation. When hair loss is due to genetics, laser therapy and topical medications have been recommended.

The National Institutes of Health conducted a study with 157 women that was published in 2012. They found that 54% of the participants reported experiencing hair loss. At least 2 symptoms of depression were reported by 29% of the participants.

The American Academy of Dermatology reported that taking too many supplements with vitamin A can also cause hair loss. Medications can also contribute to this situation.

When women have anemia due to an iron deficiency, they may also experience hair loss. This can usually be easily treated. Since nearly 1 out of every 10 women between the ages of 20 and 49 experience this condition, supplements may be prescribed by a physician.

Hair Rejuvenation Treatments

In order to address their hair loss, some women are exploring a variety of treatment options. Platelet rich plasma therapy may be recommended in some cases. Simply put, this is a minimally-invasive procedure where blood is extracted from the patient, and then the platelets are removed. These are then injected in areas of the scalp where hair loss has occurred after going through a specific process.

Seeking Treatment

It’s important to note that there are treatments available that may be effective in addressing hair loss. Since each woman’s situation is unique, it’s important to consult with a physician to determine the most appropriate course of action.