What Exactly Is a Maternity Center?

Fortunately for today’s expecting mothers, there are more options for giving birth than ever. While many women still choose a standard hospital for their place to give birth, maternity centers are becoming increasingly popular. Maternity centers, also known as birthing centers, offer expecting mothers a comfortable birthing experience but many women still don’t know what exactly maternity centers are. So let’s take a look at what maternity centers can offer expecting mothers.
What is a maternity center?
A birthing center is somewhere in between a hospital and a home, offering women a comfortable, home-like place to give birth. Generally, maternity centers are low-tech and offer more natural approaches to giving birth. But while the birth will be more natural and homelike, maternity centers are equipped with emergency care services, like IVs, oxygen, and medications. When women find a maternity center they think is right for them, they’ll still have access to licensed professionals before, during, and after giving birth. Women who choose a maternity center will usually work with a midwife throughout their pregnancy. Overall, birthing centers can offer a relaxing, natural environment for women to give birth in.
What benefits can maternity centers offer?
One of the main reasons women choose to find a maternity center is because they have more control over their birthing options. Expecting mothers won’t be hooked up to an IV if they don’t want to be and they can leave with their newborn any time they want. Additionally, the staff at maternity centers are trained to help women through a drug-free birthing experience if they choose to do so. While recent research from the Pew Research Center shows that 86% of American women had given birth before they reached their early 40s as of 2016, women of all ages, and needs, have the right to find a maternity center that works for them. Maternity centers can offer more flexibility, especially when it comes to choosing who gets to be present during the birth. Choosing a birthing center can help women feel more comfortable with being able to choose the birth experience they desire.
As you can see, there are several benefits of choosing a maternity center. If you or someone you know is expecting a baby, keep these benefits in mind when choosing a birthing place. But in the end, always choose what you’re most comfortable with.