Is Your Doctor Recommending a Proton Therapy Treatment Option for Your Recent Diagnosis?

After a successful series of proton therapy for breast cancer sessions, you are working more than ever to be your most fit and healthy self. In fact, you have recently embarked on an effort to share a four week health and nutrition course with some of your friends. Developed after spending time researching exercise and meal plans while you were receiving treatments, you have convinced several of your friends to help you stay on the path to recovery.
The Prep Week work that you are sharing with your friends involves: creating a meal plan, learning about and doing some meal prepping, and focusing on specific goals and creating a regular exercise plan as well.
You hope that each of the following weeks your group will focus on a different area of wellness that will help all of you achieve your goals, from workouts and personal development to nutrition and consistency. The last few months have been a challenge, but you have reached the end of your proton therapy for breast cancer sessions and you are determined to do everything in your power to come out of this challenge as the best person possible.
Proton Cancer Treatments Provide a Viable Option for Many Parents
Whether you are considering breast cancer care or advanced cancer treatment options for other kinds of cancers, a growing number of doctors are finding applications for proton treatment options. Proton therapy is a type of radiation that stops at a very specific point in the targeted tissue. As a result, it often limits the radiation exposure to other organs and parts of the body. In comparison, conventional radiation continues beyond the tumor. In breast cancer, for example, this means that typically there is no radiation that reaches the heart and an average of 50% less radiation to the lungs, when proton therapy is compared with conventional radiation methods.
Fortunately, there are a growing number of centers that can provide this kind of treatment option. In fact, more than 30 particle therapy centers were under construction worldwide as of the beginning of the year 2015 These centers were scheduled to provide a total of nearly 80 treatment rooms.
Although the actual time spent delivering protons to the tumor is generally only a minute or two, the treatment session itself generally takes a total of 15 to 45 minutes.