Cystic Acne And Psoriasis Is Not Impossible To Treat What A Dermatologist Can Do To Help

Your skin is in a constant state of being damaged and repairing itself.
When you get a sunburn it sloughs off the uppermost layer to let new, healthy skin grow in its place. When your sweat glands close it keeps you warm in the cold. Once in a while, however, our skin isn’t equipped with the means of improving itself without a little help. If you suspect you’re developing melanoma, or you’re just frustrated with the aftermath of acne scars, a dermatologist can give you a helping hand. Equipped with tools that work and decades of knowledge on the largest organ on the human body, you’ll finally be in a spot to feel your best.
Here are just a few things dermatology can help you with, when all hope seems lost.
Skin cancer is a very real issue that sends people to the hospital and leaves them sick for years. It’s estimated one out of every five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they’re 70 years old. In fact, recent studies on melanoma have determined 70% to 80% of cases are found on seemingly healthy skin, with another 20% on already existing moles. Sun tanning beds and a failing ozone layer are just a few elements to blame for the rise in this debilitating skin condition. A dermatology specialist can provide you with the means of determining whether or not you have melanoma beneath the surface.
Perhaps your issue is a little more obvious, such as flaking and itchy skin. Over eight million Americans today are struggling with some form of psoriasis, according to current studies. That’s nearly 3% of the country’s total population, making it the most prevalent autoimmune disease as we know it. While over-the-counter products can seem appealing for a short time, the only way to provide long-term relief is to reach out to dermatologists in your area. They can ensure your flare-ups are reduced and your skin is looking its best.
Here’s another common issue that erodes self-esteem and leaves many feeling dejected. Acne affects over 50 million Americans every year, cementing it as the most common skin disorder, and takes on many different forms. Whiteheads and blackheads are caused by either bacteria or dirt, while cystic acne is a hormonal issue that is nearly impossible to treat without medical help. Acne scar treatment is done through a mixture of microdermabrasion and peels, removing the damaged skin to let smooth, fresh skin grow in its place. Rather than feel hopeless, a skin specialist can pinpoint the source of your acne and provide direction.
Last, but not least, you can also look into anti-wrinkle treatment even as you request a check-up for melanoma. As we age the ability of our body to complete cell turnover — a term for the renewal of new, sprightly skin — decreases. This leads to wrinkles and sagging, easily the most well-known area of aesthetic enhancement outside of spot treatment. Back in 2016 there were over seven million Botox treatments. Instead of wasting money on expensive creams that don’t work, a professional can help you find anti-aging treatments with staggering results.
Meeting With A Dermatologist
When you’re tired of cystic acne scarring your skin and wrinkles pulling down your self-esteem, a dermatologist is available to help. Not only can you look into tested and proven treatments to give you a break from your symptoms, you can go a step further and make sure you’re not at risk for melanoma. Every year sees four million Americans diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma, the most common form of skin cancer. Good skin health is more than just what you put on your skin. It’s also what you don’t do.
Give your skin something to cheer about. Look up a dermatology specialist in your area.