Worried About Regaining Weight After Weight Loss Surgery? These Preventative Tips Can Help

Health problems associated with obesity are the second leading cause of preventable death, behind smoking. While many people are undergoing doctor supervised weight loss to help achieve their long-term health goals, it can be easy to slip back into old habits and regain weight if you’re not careful. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent regaining weight after undergoing medical weight loss in Delaware. Here are just a few tips to keep in mind after your weight loss surgery to live a healthy lifestyle and avoid regaining weight.
Completely change the way you think about food.
Before undergoing weight loss surgery, many patients think of food as an emotional comfort or ‘vice.’ Experts say it’s essential to rethink this relationship entirely if you want to be able to control your cravings for the long term. It isn’t easy, but it’s necessary for emotional growth and peace of mind.
“For many patients who undergo bariatric surgery, the relationship with food is a complicated one. Rewiring yourself to think of food as fuel, instead of as an emotional comfort, is an essential part of the process…With the help of your healthcare team, identify the emotional connections you have with food and work to change those patterns before and after surgery for the best chance at success,” writes Erin Palinski-Wade on EverydayHealth.
Stay focused on physical fitness.
Many patients don’t realize it, but developing a healthy exercise regimen after your weight loss surgery is just as integral to your success as your diet itself. Make it a point to get up and walking for at least 30 minutes two to three days per week when your doctor gives you clearance. From there, continue to increase your fitness goals as they align with your weight loss and overall recovery, and watch your focus on food fade away.
Stay mindful of negative habits.
Finally, it’s important to understand that slip-ups happen, so forgive yourself for them. But try to always stay mindful of your lifestyle habits as they relate to your weight loss goals. Recognize if you may be slipping back into a bad habit, and make small daily changes to improve your physical and mental health.
Ultimately, these tips can help you lose weight and keep it off after undergoing medical weight loss in Delaware.