What to Look for in an Adult Guardian

As family members age they sometimes start to lose their ability to make important decisions. Their minds start to age along with their bodies, and eventually an adult guardian has to be named. An adult guardian, or care guardian, is someone who makes important medical and financial decisions for someone who is unable to do so themselves. This role can be challenging and requires someone who is able to make calculated, compassionate decisions that are right for the elder in their care. Here are some things that courts might look for when choosing who to appoint as an adult guardian.
Stable Mental Health
Elder care planning takes a lot of work and can require you to make tough decisions. This is why having stable mental health will matter to the court. They need to know that you are in the right mind set to make those tough choices and handle important documents with accuracy. In order to become a care guardian you will have to present yourself in a way that shows you are able to make organized, yet compassionate decisions.
Love for the Elder
Another thing that courts will notice is whether or not you have love for the person in need of elder care services. They often appoint close friends and family, because these people know and love the person and want what is best for them. You will have to be able to show that you care for the elder and are willing to make decisions that are in their best interest.
Open Availability
It’s also important that you have the time to dedicate to your guardianship. While you’re not required to give all of your time to the person you wish to be guardian for, it is still important that you be able to assist them when needed. Being able to be present when important financial or medical decisions need to be made is an important part of the job. If you have a wildly busy schedule and won’t be able to tend to your guardianship duties when needed, it may be best to pass the task on to someone else.
In the end, courts just want to see that the elderly person receiving guardianship is in good hands. They will choose someone who is kind and capable over someone crude that lives haphazardly. If you are able to show the court that you have the elder’s best interest in mind and are able to perform the duties of a guardian, you should have no problem getting appointed.